Energy Champions Training

Energy Champions group photo

For a safe climate, we need a future without fossil fuels. And soon.

So, what does North Queensland's energy future look like? What opportunities and challenges can we expect in the energy transition? How do we talk about these with our friends, family and decision-makers?

Most importantly, how can locals like us leverage this crucial moment in time to build a sustainable, equitable and affordable future for all North Queenslanders?

These were the questions we aimed to answer together at the Townsville Energy Champions Training workshop earlier this month.

Imogen Butler presenting

Imogen Butler from The Climate Reality Project was our first presenter, with Climate Impacts and Solutions - a sobering, informative and ultimately inspiring take on the current state of the world's climate and the urgent need to grasp opportunities for climate action with both hands.

Crystal Falknau presenting

NQCC Coordinator Crystal Falknau reminded participants of the climate trends experienced in North Queensland, and the direct and indirect impacts felt by households, businesses and the natural environment. This led into our first table talk discussion, where we shared our personal experiences with climate change. We heard about everything from mental health pressures to insurance hikes. 

Heidi Lee Douglas presents

Solar Citizens CEO Heidi Lee Douglas then presented on the Cost of Living Benefits of Renewable Energy and the concept of Energy Democracy.

Joe Niven and Heidi Lee Douglas

This was followed by a local case study, with a Q&A with Joe Niven of Totally Renewable Magnetic. This is a working group of the Magnetic Island Community Development Association (MICDA) that aims to make Magnetic Island’s electricity supply 100% renewable by 2030!

Elise Ganley presents

Elise Ganley is an organiser with the Queensland Community Alliance, based in Gladstone. She shared something called Renew Australia For All - a justice-centred, community-led framework for a future with affordable energy for everyone, good jobs in thriving industries, and communities are better prepared for extreme weather and climate disasters.

Participants engage in table talk discussions

Participants provided feedback and input into the framework, with local understanding of community issues that need to be addressed in our energy transition. 

Lu Allan presenting

The afternoon moved into the challenges and opportunities of large-scale renewable energy in North Queensland, kicking off with an informative and in-depth outline of Queensland's energy policy frameworks by RE-Alliance Cairns-based Advocacy Director Lu Allan. Lu also introduced participants to the concept of Local Energy Hubs - an exciting initiative designed to connect community members to renewable energy-related opportunities available to them.

Crystal followed this up with an outline of NQCC's advocacy work for a clean energy industry that respects communities and protects nature. 

We then dived into myth-busting, difficult conversations and advocacy pathways, with participants learning how to connect with each of the organisations involved. An important takeaway for many was the opportunity to be champions of Townsville's Local Renewable Energy Zone pilot project. 

Group photo

Here's what some of the participants had to say at the end of the day...

"Thank you for re-energising me." - Joe

"It was very enjoyable, very professional, very informative." - Lila

"It's always good to have an energy boost on the marathon at a sprint pace." - Carl

"It was just spectacular." - Stephen

Karl Kara-Mae Emma
Lila Joe Elise

Energised, skilled-up and armed with everything they need to know, Townsville's Energy Champions are ready to go! 

Some participants Elise and Keiran
Joe and Andrew Lu and Imogen
Nelson, Kara and Crystal

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  • Crystal Falknau