Paperbark December 2018

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Welcome to our final edition of Paperbark for 2018!

In this edition:

  • Campaign Work: protecting Qld National Parks from private leases
  • Trivia Night was a success!
  • Upcoming Events
  • How to donate your container refunds to NQCC
  • Management Committee update
  • Survey opportunity


Unfortunately the "Carols Against Coal" event on Magnetic Island this Saturday has been cancelled due to the windy and wet conditions that we expect over the next few days as Tropical Cyclone Owen moves into our region. We apologise for the disappointment and hope everyone stays safe during this time.


Conservation Groups meet with Minister Leeanne Enoch

Last month our Campaigns Manager Tarquin Moon, along with other conservation reps across Queensland had a week of meetings in Brisbane to discuss the coordination of campaigns, build a stronger statewide movement and to meet with the Qld Environment and Great Barrier Reef Minister, Leeanne Enoch.  The privatisation through the Expression of Interest Process (EOI) that offers tourism leases within National Parks was discussed at great length with Government officers as well as the Minister herself.  We sent a clear message that National Parks need the highest standard of protection and that the conservation sector was not consulted on the EOIs earmarked for Hinchinbrook Island National Parks (as well as the Great Sandy NP and Whitsunday Island NP).  The support on this issue has been fantastic - we just need a further 280 signatures to reach the target of 2,500 signatures on the Parliamentary Petition!  So close!!! 

Rally for Hinchinbrook at International Ecotourism Conference

NQCC was joined by members, supporters and other concerned citizens on the morning of Monday 26th November, where we greeted local and international guests attending an International Ecotourism Conference in Townsville. Our message to them was clear: Queensland National Parks should not be privatised, and the Queensland Government should not offer long-term leases on public, protected land within our National Parks.


'Save Hinchinbrook' Stall at Strand Night Markets

On the first Friday of December, some of our eager volunteers braved the wet weather to present our electronic petition to the wider Townsville community. Just under 100 signatures were added to the parliamentary petition, which demonstrates there is strong support for ensuring national parks remain in public hands and are not leased to private companies for development. If you haven't yet signed, you can sign NQCC's petition here and the parliamentary petition here (it is most effective if you sign both). Both pages also contain information about the campaign, so please share among your networks!



Trivia Night: a great success and a really fun time!

Following a busy rush of organising one of our largest fundraising events of the year, members, supporters and guests enjoyed an extraordinary night of eating, drinking, thinking, playing, laughing and bribing. Some highlights included delicious vegan-friendly food, a raffle with some nifty prizes (and some dubious ones too!) and just the general cheekiness that occurs when people get together for a dishonest night of Trivia.

Eight teams entered the challenge, with varying degrees of scoreboard success... 


2018's Trivia Champions: "Stranded Assets" from Magnetic Island


"Mahogany Gliders" from Wildlife Queensland's Townsville Branch


 Two teams from Amnesty International: Teams "Manus" (above) and "Nauru" (below)


Also present (but perhaps not as photogenic?) were the "Suppositories of Wisdom""Trivially Challenged""City Watch" and "Csilla's Friends". Thank you to everyone who came along to enjoy the evening while supporting our organisation. Any feedback from the event is most welcome, as we want to make next year's event even better!

Celebration of Margaret Thorsborne

On Friday 30 November, community members came together at the House of Prayer and Spirituality to celebrate the life of Margaret Grace Thorsborne, AO. The evening included touching music, words, images and a screening of "The Coming of the White Birds". We encourage you to read about Margaret's amazing conservation work in this article by Liz Downes.


Postcard Art Exhibition: Artworks due by 31 January!

Calling all artists!

North Queensland Conservation Council's biennial fundraising art exhibition and auction is coming up very soon!

Submit your postcard-sized, environment-themed artwork (with entry form) to:

North Queensland Conservation Council

PO Box 364

Townsville City QLD 4810

If you live in Townsville, you may also choose to drop your artwork in to Umbrella Studio on Flinders St. You can find entry forms here. Please share with your most artistic friends! We have already started receiving some beautiful creations, and can't wait to see what YOU can contribute...

Green Drinks: Friday 1 February 2019

Townsville's monthly environmental/social networking event will return on 1 February 2019, and is held on the first Friday of each month at the Seaview Hotel on the Strand. Don't forget to join the Green Drinks Townsville Facebook page for updates.


Help NQCC Raise Funds... with bottles (and cans)

Save our ID number in your phone (see below) and quote it at your local drop-off point. We will receive ten cents for every eligible container you donate! To find your closest drop-off point, visit

Container deposit number

Management Committee Update

Bill Laing has recently chosen to discontinue with his role on our Management Committee. We thank him for his contributions as both a Committee member and a volunteer, and wish him well in his other endeavours. We would also like to welcome a new (returning) member to our Management Committee: Gail Hamilton - whose experience working with NQCC will surely be invaluable to us as we enter into the new year.

Strategic Planning

NQCC plans to undertake strategic planning in the new year to guide the work that we do and to ensure we achieve bigger and better outcomes for the environment.  Watch this space as we plan to keep you informed on this process and seek your input. 

Thank You

We would like to thank Linda Bates from Cadaghi Pottery for her kind donation of a beautiful handmade item which will play an important role in some of next year's fundraising plans. If you are a business owner with something to offer, please get in touch - we may be able to promote your business! 

Survey: Australian Fish Habitats

If you are aged 16 or over, reside in Australia and participate in environmental conservation activities in fish habitats and/or recreational fishing, there is an opportunity to contribute towards a research project carried out by a Masters student from QUT.

By completing a ten minute survey, you can contribute to Alicia Feldman's research into habitat restoration and preservation activities in fish habitats of Australia, and you will also go into the draw to win one of five $50 BCF e-giftcards.

For questions regarding the study, contact Alicia at [email protected] or to participate, follow this link:

We would like to thank all of our members and supporters for standing with us in 2018. We look forward to having your continued support as we face 2019 head-on! 

Until next year,


North Queensland Conservation Council

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