Prairie Wind Farm is part of the North Queensland Super Hub, located in the North Queensland Renewable Energy Zone in the Flinders Shire, on Yirendali Country.
About the project
Developed by Windlab, this proposed wind energy project is planned to produce 800MW of power from about 100 turbines.
The proposed timeline for the project is as follows:
- Civil Construction - Q1 - 2025 to Q4 – 2026;
- WTG delivery and construction – Q1 - 2026 to Q3 2027;
- Commissioning and testing – Q4 2027;
- Operation - Q1 - 2028 to 2058; and
- Decommissioning, rehabilitation and initial 3-year monitoring period - 2058 - 2064.
For more information, visit the website:
Ecological impacts
In January 2024, QCC and NQCC submitted a joint response to the project's preliminary documentation.
We believe that the preliminary documentation underplays the project's impact on threatened species habitat, contains insufficient detail on how proposed offsets will achieve a nature positive outcome, and lacks real world data in the Bird and Bat Collision Risk Modelling.
While we support the siting of this project over other proposed developments (largely impacting vegetation "of least concern"), we believe more can be done to manage cumulative impacts of development in the region, and to actively achieve net positive outcomes for nature.
You can read our full response here.
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