This year the Labor Government will decide whether to open the flood gates to 116 more coal and gas projects that will lock in decades more climate disasters for our communities. So far, the Albanese government has fundamentally failed in the number one test of climate leadership: saying NO to more coal and gas projects & reforming our environmental laws.
Join us in front of MP Phillip Thompson’s office, as part of a nationwide 12 days of action, to demonstrate to him that Townsville wants both Labor and the Coalition to stop gambling with our future. We want Climate Action Now!
For this short but fun action, we encourage you to wear vibrant colours and bring your banners and signs. Our message will be: ‘Honk for Climate Action’ & ‘No More Coal and Gas’. If you arrive by car, you will find it easiest to park at Kmart.
This action is one of three actions happening across Townsville from April 29 – May 10.
340 Ross River Rd
Aitkenvale, QLD 4814
Google map and directions
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