The Port of Townsville has released an Additional Environmental Impact Statement (AEIS) about their plans for expansion. NQCC has been active on this front for years - responding at length to the holes in the original EIS in 2013. Now, the proposed 4 years of dredging has been blown out to 10.5 years, maintenance dredging increased by 17%, and widening the sea channel from 92 m to 180m.
All of this for a port that is nowhere near in peak demand - operating at around 40% capacity in 2014/5, but poses massive risks to the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park, the beaches and tourism of Magnetic Island, and local fishing spots around Cleveland Bay.
This community forum aims to bring together concerned community groups and individuals, to inform on the new challenges presented in the AEIS and to provide guidance and support in making a formal written submission.
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