First Nations Clean Energy Strategy Released

First Nations Clean Energy Strategy 2024-2030 title page

All Australian energy ministers released the First Nations Clean Energy Strategy on Friday 6 December 2024, honouring a commitment to put First Nations front and centre of the country’s clean energy transition.

The First Nations Clean Energy Strategy sets a vision and pathway for government, industry and First Nations to work in a coherent coordinated approach to address access to affordable clean power, and ensure benefit-sharing, partnerships, and First Nations-led projects.

Driven by an ask in 2022 from our member-based First Nations Clean Energy Network, hundreds of First Nations, industry and government leaders from around the country drove its design through roundtables and consultations. 


Another useful resource from the First Nations Clean Energy Network is their Community Energy Planning Toolkit, which has been developed to assist communities to have discussions about clean energy futures.

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  • Crystal Falknau