Julia Creek Vanadium and Energy Project

Julia Creek Vanadium & Energy Project: what we know

In December 2024, the Julia Creek Vanadium and Energy Project (by QEM Ltd.) was declared a coordinated project by  Queensland’s Coordinator-General. So, what do we know about this North Queensland project?

Where is the project located?

The project is located approximately 6km to the east of Julia Creek township, on the southern side of the Flinders Highway. The project area spans up to 30km from east to west, and 12km from Flinders Highway to the southern border of the project. The site is within the McKinlay Shire Council Local Government Area.

Project location

What activities are involved in the project?

According to a factsheet provided by QEM and Epic Environmental, the project involves the establishment of a mine, processing facilities, and infrastructure to produce vanadium pentoxide and transport fuels from oil shale deposits. Preliminary estimates indicate that the depth of resource is between 50m to 80m below ground level. Spanning approximately 250km², the project envisages incorporating the following industrial activities:

• Mining of oil shale
• Oil separation and distillation
• Vanadium recovery
• Mineral by-products
• Renewable power from solar and wind
• Green hydrogen production
• Water supply and storage
• Waste management

What is vanadium? 

Vanadium has unique physical and chemical properties that make it particularly useful in steel alloying, which is its most common use. An emerging and quickly-growing use for the metal is in vanadium redox flow batteries (VFBs), which are the most efficient battery technology suitable for utility-scale renewable energy storage for both wind and solar.

Vanadium has been identified as a critical mineral in Australia, due to its role in facilitating the decarbonisation of industries and development of renewable energy.

QEM’s Julia Creek Vanadium Project holds one of the single largest vanadium deposits in the world with 2,760 megatonnes of vanadium. 783 million barrels of oil are contained within the same ore body.

What are the predicted environmental impacts?

Total disturbance footprint: 2,912.09ha

Four threatened fauna species under the EPBC Act have some potential to occur in the Project area, including the Julia Creek Dunnart (Sminthopsis douglasi), Sharp-tailed Sandpiper (Calidris acuminata), Common Greenshank (Tringa nebularia) and Grey Falcon (Falco hypoleucos). These species were not observed during the surveys, but records do exist within the Project area or in the immediate surrounding area and, therefore, have the potential to occur. 

The assessment for Julia Creek Dunnart concluded there is potential for a significant impact through a reduction in the area of occupancy of a population of the species. Project location, design and mitigation and management measures will be considered in the Project’s design phase to reduce the likelihood of impact, with progressive rehabilitation to occur in accordance with the Progressive Rehabilitation and Closure Plan.

Known distribution of the Julia Creek Dunnart

One species listed as Migratory under the EPBC Act was observed during Project surveys (Fork-tailed Swift) and is therefore considered as known to occur. Four other Migratory species may also potentially occur based on the habitat values present within the Project area (Sharp-tailed Sandpiper, Common Greenshank, Oriental Plover and Oriental Pratincole). Significant impacts on migratory species are not predicted.

What concerns do we have?

  • Availability of water resources for mining operations
  • Environmental pressures of workers camp
  • Low evidence of meaningful consultation with Traditional Owners
  • Impact on local population of Julia Creek Dunnart, given its limited geographic range
  • Impacts on groundwater and surface water


References and useful links:

What are critical minerals and why are we mining them in Queensland?

The Julia Creek Vanadium and Energy Project

EPBC referral

Kalkadoon Native Title estate

The Ministerial Statement (23 Dec 2024)

Project Factsheet (produced by QEM Ltd and Epic Environmental)

National Recovery Plan for Julia Creek Dunnart

Nearby project to watch

Richmond - Julia Creek Vanadium Project

Terms of Reference for EIS Richmond - Julia Creek

EPBC Number: 2021/9097

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