There have certainly been some challenging times this month. The referendum saw a powerful build up of positive momentum, but we see now just how much work is left to do towards First Nations justice - particularly here in North Queensland. Rejection of an Indigenous Voice to Parliament has made us even more determined to listen, learn and be guided by some of the oldest living cultures in the world. From the feedback we've received from so many of you, we know this determination is shared.
In and around the referendum, October was an incredibly full month. We held our AGM, released our Annual Report, presented at some wonderful community events, progressed our work with the Townsville Community Alliance and met with Ministers at community cabinet. November is shaping up to be just as busy, so make sure you get involved where you can!
- Crystal, NQCC Coordinator
In this edition:
- Looking Back
- AGM and Annual Report
- Conversations with Impact
- EcoMarines CHECK
- Local Solutions Forum
- Community Cabinet
- Looking Forward
- Trivia Night!
- Fundraising Raffle
- Move Beyond Coal planning meeting
- Green Drinks
- Our Islands, Our Home event
- Climate Cafés (Psychology for a Safe Climate)
- Volunteer Opportunities
Our AGM was a great event - thanks to everyone who made it so! We're so grateful to our volunteers, Dave and his pizza oven and our engaging guest speakers who left us all feeling inspired. We are very proud to share our annual report for 2022-2023, with graphic design by David McMillan.
Conversations with Impact
Thank you to the teams at Planet-Conscious Townsville and Townsville's Social Enterprise Network for hosting a fantastic event that brought together an interesting range of organisations making an impact in Townsville. We are grateful for the opportunity to talk about our work and learn from others, and we can't wait for the next event!
EcoMarines CHECK
We were delighted to participate in Townsville's recent EcoMarines CHECK event, helping to guide school students into a future in sustainability and caring for the environment. Students (and teachers) had some great questions for us and the other awesome panel members. We love what this program is doing for the next generation of conservationists!
Local Solutions Forum
Organisations from the Townsville Community Alliance came together in October to share what we'd learned so far and step forward together into the next phase of the organising cycle - research! We brainstormed together, learned how to conduct a Research Action and committed to next steps to keep the momentum building. If you are interested in playing a more active role in the Alliance, reply to this email - we want you involved!
Community Cabinet
Community Cabinet came to Townsville in late October, and we took the opportunity to meet face-to-face with Ministers and high level government staff.
We had productive conversations with Lance McCallum (Assistant Energy Minister) about ensuring a just and sustainable renewable energy transition for North Queensland, Leanne Linard (Environment Minister) regarding the importance of Park Rangers, compliance officers and a Queensland EPA for protecting our environment, and key staff from the Water Department regarding the water issues facing the Lower Burdekin. We look forward to ongoing connections with them all!
Trivia Night!
That's right - it's finally here! Our annual fundraiser will be held from 6pm on Saturday 18 November at the Senior Citizens Welfare hall in Belgian Gardens - it's going to be a blast!
It's just around the corner, so don't delay! Book a table for $120 (up to eight people per table) or a single ticket for $20. Follow the link for more details about the event, and reply to this email if you'd like to volunteer! Don't forget to invite your Facebook friends!
Fundraising Raffle!
If you can't make it to Trivia, getting behind our raffle is another great way to support our fundraising efforts - and the prizes are truly worth winning! The winners will be drawn at the Trivia event, but you don't have to be there to win it - we'll let you know, we promise!
Generous local prize donors include Cooler Cleaning, Lambert's Fresh Produce, Mary Who? Bookshop, Coffee Presto - and the prize pool keeps growing! If you'd like to contribute a prize, get in touch!
Tickets are great value, at $5 each, $20 for 5 or $50 for 15!
Move Beyond Coal: Townsville Planning Meeting
Despite the devastating impacts climate change is already having on communities and ecosystems across the country, billionaire corporations continue to dig up fossil fuels, enabled by our Federal Government!
From 4-12 December, over 100 actions will be happening across the country as part of the national Turn Up the Heat Week of Action - and we want Townsville to be a part of this! Join us at the NQCC office for our Townsville Planning Meeting on Sunday 19 November, from 12pm - 2.30pm. Snacks provided!
Green Drinks
October's Green Drinks was a smaller gathering, but with plenty of great connections made! Our next Green Drinks will be held on Thursday 23 November from 6pm at the Commonwealth Hotel. As usual, keep an eye on your inbox and the Green Drinks Facebook Group for updates!
Our Islands, Our Home: Save the Date!
On the evening of Wednesday 29 November, we'll be supporting a short film screening and Q&A to learn about the impacts climate change is having on Country and culture in the Torres Strait Islands.
We'll be hearing from local Torres Strait Islanders and taking action to support the Torres Strait 8 and their ongoing legal case against the Australian Government. Keep an eye on your inbox and our social media pages for more information!
Climate Cafés (Online)
Psychology for a Safe Climate offers online Climate Cafés - supportive, facilitated gatherings where you can voice concerns that may not be welcomed or echoed elsewhere in your daily life. You’re invited to share with interested others how you’re really feeling at this challenging time.
There may be laughter, there may be tears. There may be fear, there may be anger. Whatever you’re feeling is okay and valued. And it’s fine just to listen. Sharing, listening and being quiet together are all part of our Café. This is offered at 2.30pm Sunday 26 Nov for a small fee of $10.
Much of our advocacy work is a little less FLASHY than our other activities, but it's still incredibly important!
Over the past month or so, we've continued to engage with government processes for an integrated management approach for the Burdekin Basin for better ecological outcomes. Briefings, meetings and letters to decision-makers have continued to progress this campaign, and we are being heard!
A nature-positive renewable energy transition has also remained front of mind for us, and we've made comment on the proposed Woodstock Renewable Energy Hub (a potential threat to critical habitat for the black-throated finch and squatter pigeon) and are doing our best to keep across the numerous energy production and transition projects proposed for North Queensland.
Our local climate work has continued to progress as well, with planning beginning for the lead-up to next year's Council elections.
If you'd like to get involved in any of our advocacy work, please don't hesitate to get in touch!
Keen to get involved with conservation in North Queensland? Check out our Volunteer Opportunities and List of Environmental Organisations to find something that appeals to you!
Coastal Dry Tropics Landcare is looking for new recruits for their Management Committee, which is a great way to share your skills with a not-for-profit organisation!
Have something you'd like to share with NQCC supporters? Let us know!
Thank you for your ongoing support!
Yours naturally,
North Queensland Conservation Council
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