Trivia Planning & Preparations

2022 Trivia participants

NQCC's famous annual fundraising Trivia Night is coming up in November and we'd love your help putting it together!

It's always a great time, with laughter, prizes and wit. Putting it together is also a blast! Whether you think you could help with decorating, event promotion, securing prizes, making games, or even just some photocopying - we'd love to have you on our organising committee!

This is our first official meeting, scheduled for 1.30-3pm on Saturday 28 Oct at the NQCC Office. If you can't make it on Saturday but would love to help out, reach out via email or text and we'll make sure your efforts are included!

October 28, 2023 at 1:30pm - 3pm
NQCC Office
114 Boundary St
Railway Estate, QLD 4810
Google map and directions
Crystal · · 0406 421 061

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