Rose Gordon on the Zero Waste Stall at the Horseshoe Bay markets before Christmas
We just want to talk rubbish! In a nutshell this is what it comes down to. This all started when some passionate residents decided that we just have too much waste and we need to do something about it. This is how the group formed Zero Waste on Magnetic Island. We aim to transform the island’s waste into useful resources, by making it easy, appealing and fun to recycle, reduce and reuse and we want the community to get involved!
We now work collaboratively as a working group with the Magnetic Island Community Development Association (MICDA). From the start we have had an open policy to invite the community to our meetings to either bring us ideas and solutions or hear about what we are currently involved in or hoping to start.
Some of these ideas albeit at different stages, is to:
- Distribute a survey across the island to see how much our residents already understand about our household waste.
- Increase collection points for rubbish (outside the council responsibilities) with a view to sort it for reuse, i.e. bread tags to wheelchairs; bottle tops to prosthesis; soft plastics to make furniture and another point for returning those 10c bottles and cans
- Compile a map with places that people can get their water bottle filled to reduce plastic bottles - we’re hoping SeaLink comes on board with us
- Set up exemplary models of using green waste at home so that others can follow
- Get community composting stations for local businesses
- Hold “creative threads sessions” where we share old fabrics or remnants and re-purpose them into wonderful creations. We sit under the trees at Picnic Bay on rugs and weave all sorts of things.
- Use our Facebook page called, “Zero Waste Magnetic Island” where we share ideas, concerns and help educate ourselves with new innovations - this is also where we put up notices
- Have a stall at Horseshoe Bay Markets to develop awareness of what we do
- Work closely with the Early Childhood Education Centre hoping to raise awareness with the youngest in our community and their families
- Develop educational sessions for our community with some of the experts in to assist us in building our knowledge
So you’ll just have to watch this space to see what happens next. We are very organic as we learn together with our vision for a healthier environment that benefits us all.
Feel free to join our Facebook groups: Zero Waste Magnetic Island and Threads - Zero Waste Magnetic Island
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