Swim For Our Rivers!

Swim For Our Rivers!

In March this year, we are joining Mackay Conservation Group's "Swim for Our Rivers" fundraiser, to kickstart the next phase of our campaign to protect the future of the iconic Burdekin.

You are invited to register a team and help us fundraise in the lead up to our exciting Swim-A-Thon on Saturday 20 March at Mundingburra's Kokoda Memorial Pool! Got questions? Check out our FAQ page!

Hells Gates Dam and other proposed elements of the controversial “Bradfield Scheme” on the Burdekin River have been on the table for almost a century, despite numerous expensive and unsupportive feasibility studies.

If these developments push forward, the effects will be felt on water quality, fragile coastlines and aquatic life throughout the Burdekin catchment and out to Cape Bowling Green and the Great Barrier Reef World Heritage Area (you can read all about the impacts here). 

Since last year, we have been working closely with experts and stakeholders to explore the threats currently facing the Burdekin River and the opportunities available to mitigate these. Your donation will help us take our message to politicians and the public, to secure a sustainable future for this iconic river system.

We hope to raise $5,000 from this fundraiser to kickstart the next stage of our campaign, where we present knowledge and exciting opportunities to stakeholders, policy-makers and the broader community in North Queensland.

Register as a fundraiser or donate to our campaign to help us advocate for the protection of North Queensland's biggest river.

We look forward to bringing you with us on this campaign and can't wait to see you get involved in our first peer-to-peer fundraiser!

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  • Crystal Falknau