NQCC at Eco Fiesta

Ecofiesta images

We had the great pleasure to be part of this year's Eco Fiesta at Anderson Gardens. What a beautiful place and what a great community event.
Together with our amazing volunteers we spoke to almost a hundred people about our two major campaigns this year: Nature & Renewables and Heat & Hazards.

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Bioregional Planning in Queensland

Map of Queensland indicating priority development zones

In December 2022, the Australian Government announced that bioregional plans would be developed to better protect areas that matter for the environment and allow for faster development decisions. 

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Rise Up Townsville - 12 Days of Action

Move beyond Coal action week images
North Queensland Conservation Council has joined Move Beyond Coal in nationwide 12 Days of Action to say NO to more coal and gas projects and to ask for a necessary reform of our environmental laws.
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Paperbark April 2024

Paperbark header

As the humidity finally begins to ease off, it's hard to believe how fast the year is flying past!

April saw some pretty big wins for grassroots movements close to home, including the rejection of the controversial Chalumbin wind project in the wet tropics, tougher penalties for irresponsible dog owners, and anti-coal activist Murrawah Johnson winning the Goldman Environmental Prize. Regional Queenslanders are making big waves!

Here at NQCC, Luna has brought energy and creativity to her role as Community Campaigner, and organised her very first action on Monday morning! It was loads of fun, and there's plenty more coming up for the rest of the 12 days of action!

I hope you enjoy this edition of Paperbark. There really is something for everyone this month!

- Crystal, NQCC Coordinator

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Building Renewables to Benefit Nature and Communities

Sheep graze amongst solar panels

Today the Queensland Conservation Council, alongside nine Queensland regional environmental and conservation groups, have united in support of a well-planned roll out of renewable energy.

The groups have put forward a five-point plan for getting the rollout of renewable energy right, pointing to the positive outcomes that the energy transformation can have for the environment, regional and First Nations communities if delivered well.

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Climate change voices: short story


The Whirlybird by Luna Prince

I poked my head out from under the house, resting my hands on the old metal gate. A loud silence had come over the usually busy street corner. The palm trees across the road were swaying to a song only they could hear. What had been glowing under a fiery sunset just moments before, was now covered in grey. Night had come and the wind was picking up. Kirrily was close.

All day my thoughts had been racing, imagining what may or may not be. I filled the hours preparing or restlessly waiting but mostly keeping busy to distract myself from the looming threat. This was my first summer on the northern coast and I was determined to make it my home. Summer days had spoiled me with lush green trees, dips in crystal clear waters, and an abundance of flowers and fresh fruit. But they also promised extreme weather.

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National Park Expansion a Win for Coastal Birds

White-bellied sea eagle in a treePhoto sourced from QPWS

The rugged, mountainous Bowling Green Bay National Park on the land of the Bindal people, is set to expand by two hectares after the Queensland Government acquired three islets off the coast of Townsville.

Native animals including the white-bellied sea-eagle and black-naped tern are set to benefit.

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Paperbark March 2024

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March in North Queensland saw another mass coral bleaching event, flash flooding and the highest king tides many of us have ever seen. 

Our climate is growing more chaotic, our environment is facing increasing pressures and our political landscape appears to be increasingly dynamic and unpredictable. Here at NQCC, we're building our capacity, to ensure North Queensland's environment has a powerful voice in these challenging times.

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Renewable Energy Zone Roadmap

Images from the QREZ Roadmap document

In late 2023, NQCC made a submission to the Draft Renewable Energy Zone (REZ) Roadmap (read it here). On 26 March 2024, the refined Roadmap was released and is available here

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March 2024 Roundtables

Leanne Linard with representatives from Queensland's environment movement

For a week in the middle of March, NQCC was represented at the Ministerial Environment Roundtable (MERT) and Queensland Environment Roundtable (QERT), hosted by Queensland Conservation Council (QCC) in Meanjin Brisbane.

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