Paperbark December 2020

With 2020 wrapping up, we'd just like to say a big thank you for being a part of our journey this year.

Here we have some final updates and actions, followed by a little highlights reel from the year that was. Enjoy!

P.S. Did you spot us on the ABC News a few weeks ago? The Great Barrier Reef's conservation status is now "critical". We got to tell the nation exactly what we thought about our Government's inaction on climate change. Read the article here

In this edition:

  • Treasurer wanted
  • Our Islands, Our Home
  • Boomerang Bags update
  • Have your say:
    • Burdekin Falls Dam Raising project
    • Polystyrene ban
  • 2020 Highlights!

Treasurer Wanted as Tash Says Farewell

Tash Henderson

Earlier this month, Tash Henderson announced that due to increased work commitments she would be stepping down as our Treasurer.

Tash has brought so much to our organisation since she joined in January, providing guidance and expertise in Coaching and Finance, respectively. She has also contributed as a hands-on volunteer throughout the year.

While we are thrilled to see her career take off in such a positive direction, her contribution will be sorely missed. We are very grateful for her time with us and we wish her all the very best for the future!

As the Treasurer position is now open, we are looking for someone with financial expertise to join our Committee in this role. If you are interested or would like more information, please email Peter at [email protected]. 2021 might just be the year you find that perfect volunteering role! 

Our Islands, Our Home: Townsville Demonstration

Our Islands, Our Home Townsville attendees

You may have heard us making a bit of noise about the issue of sea level rise and its impacts on the Torres Strait Islands. Earlier this month we were honoured to assist with a local demonstration to bring attention to the issue. 

Please visit our blog for the stories and photos from the day, as well as Nekina's touching speech. And of course, please add your name to the petition below!

Boomerang Bags Update

We are thrilled to announce that Boomerang Bags Townsville has been taken up by "Sew Sustainable Townsville", who are currently accepting fabric donations and running workshops! Join their Facebook group to get involved.

Burdekin Falls Dam Raising project

Burdekin Falls Dam

You are invited to have your say on the draft terms of reference (TOR) for an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for the Burdekin Falls Dam Raising project.

The draft TOR sets out the matters to be studied in the EIS. You are invited to comment on whether the draft TOR adequately covers all the matters that the proponent, Sunwater Limited, must address when preparing the EIS.

If you are interested in making your own submission, please feel free to access our Burdekin Basin Resource Page for some great sources of information and links to the draft TOR. If you'd prefer to contribute to NQCC's submission, please email John at [email protected].

We are working with Mackay Conservation Group to make submissions on this proposal and the proposal for Urannah Dam. Our submission will be available for members to view and comment on shortly after 20 January. For the latest updates on this campaign, check out our Burdekin blog.

Have Your Say on Expanded Polystyrene

Polystyrene takeaway

From mid-late 2021, the Queensland Government plans to ban single-use plastic products, starting with straws, cutlery, plates and stirrers.

Do you think polystyrene takeaway food containers and cups should be included in this ban? Let them know what you think!

Consultation closes at midnight on Friday 15 January 2021. If this is the first Queensland Government legislation you've commented on, you'll need to register an account. It's quick and easy to do and allows you to have your voice heard on issues that are important to you. 

There is room to add your own comment on other items that need to be banned. If nothing comes to mind, we suggest mentioning polystyrene packaging beans and beanbag balls, as we've seen how harmful they can be when released into the environment. 

*2020 Highlights*

Discussing climate change at JCU's Market Day...

O-Week bottle cap poll

Tarquin's Farewell Zoom Party...

Zoom party screenshot

And our State Election Campaign Launch (also on Zoom)...

Campaign launch screenshot

Climate Conversations at Cotters...

Climate Convos at Cotters

Our Backyard Screening of "The Story of Plastic"...

Story of plastic

Collaborating with Solar Citizens for Renewable Jobs in NQ...

Townsville sign action

Green Drinks...

Green Drinks

Burdekin Basin Seminar for stakeholders...


Our socially-distanced 2020 AGM...

Backyard AGM

Our State Election Environmental Report Card...

State Election report card

Bushland Beach Clean-Up...

Sorting rubbish

Trivia Night...

Trivia night

Climate Council's "Smart, Clean Futures" Roundtable...

Climate Council roundtable

...and supporting the #TorresStrait8 this month!

Nekina and Mark

Thank you for helping us to make these things happen, despite everything that this year has thrown at us.

We have big plans for 2021, but we need your support to bring them to life. It is our members, donors and volunteers who allow us to kick our goals, and we'll need you more than ever next year! See the links below to see how you can help.

Wishing you a revitalising festive season and a positively powerful New Year!

Yours naturally,

Crystal, on behalf of NQCC

North Queensland Conservation Council


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  • Crystal Falknau